to my website. I am a mathematician working in the area of probability theory and stochastic analysis. Currently I am a PostDoc with Prof. Dr. Peter Friz at TU Berlin.
Previously, I held PostDoc positions in the groups of Prof. Dr. Michael Röckner in Bielefeld and Prof. Franco Flandoli in Pisa. 2018-2021 I was a PhD fellow in the IRTG 2235 at Bielefeld University.
My research centers around nonlinear Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov equations, nonlinear Markov processes and fluid dynamical equations.
Institut für Mathematik, Straße des 17. Juni 136, 10623 Berlin
Office: MA 782
Feel free to contact me by e-mail: <lastname> (replace <lastname> by my lastname and -at- by @).

With Theresa Lange (Pisa) and Andre Schenke (Courant), we recently put a new paper on the arXiv (to be found under Research), in which we prove the existence and non-uniqueness of probabilistically strong Leray-Hopf (i.e. „physical“) solutions to the 3D fractional Navier–Stokes equations (NSE) perturbed by transport noise. The question behind our research was whether the very interesting non-uniqueness results for deterministic and stochastic NSEs in the class of general solutions recently obtained by the convex integration community extend to the smaller, important class of physical solutions. Our result provides a first positive answer in this direction.
Get in touch
I will talk at the IRTG2235 Bielefeld-Seoul-workshop in Bielefeld (17.-20.02.).